4/7: Blog Post & Individual Project Workshop

Today we will have no class meeting!  Use class time for the following:

  • Complete the peer review of the Infographic drafts in ELMS.
  • On Tuesday, you found and posted other examples of Public Service Announcement videos in the comments on this page.  Select one of the videos your classmates posted and analyze it using the questions Rhetorical Analysis of a PSA sheet (in ELMS).  Post your response as a comment to the video on this website.
  1. Hannah Hirsch

    Whoops! Posted this in the wrong place at first. Here it is again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmGxRoxOlbg (presented by Burt’s Bees and staring Glee’s Lea Michele.) This is a short PSA dedicated to saving bees.


    • allterrainhiker

      1. The argument the Burt’s Bees PSA is presenting is that the honeybees are disappearing, and you can help by removing the letter ‘b’ from your tweets and adding a hashtag, which will lead to 1,000 wildflowers being planted.
      2. This PSA is created by Burt’s Bees, a company that makes bee-related products, with the goal of spreading awareness of the plight of the honeybee.
      3. The audience is anyone who buys Burt’s Bees products, as well as people who use Twitter and those who are interested in bees in general.
      4. The desired audience reaction is to go on Twitter, remove the letter ‘b’ in their future posts, and add the hashtag #BringBackTheBees.
      5. While not outright stated, the PSA suggests that if you do not help, bees will continue to disappear, and the world will feel the consequences.
      6. Pathos is used by having the little bees in the background disappear slowly, creating the emotion of sadness. This is highly effective, as it makes the viewer want to do something.
      7. Logos is used by presenting the results of your participating: 1,000 wildflowers will be planted in your name. No further statistics are provided.
      8. Ethos is used in that, first off, Burt’s Bees makes bee-related products, including things from honey and beeswax. Secondly, utilizing actress Lea Michele from the popular show Glee attracts attention from the followers of that show. This fits in with her public persona as she has been participating in many philanthropic and awareness campaigns over the past 9 years.
      9. Sound is used by having a pleasant, upbeat music as the background, implying how easy it is to help. Additionally, as the bees disappear behind the actress, they make a sad buzzing sound to make their disappearance more noticeable, and thus encourage the viewer to help them.
      10. Realism is used only to the degree that there is a real actress. The flowers behind her seem larger than life, and the bees are animated in a simplistic, almost cute style, to tug on the viewer’s heartstrings and encourage them to do something.
      11. The detail that stands out is the timing of the bees disappearing right when the actress asks if the audience knows “that the honeybees are disappearing,” arranging it to line up perfectly with what she is saying and adding exigence to her statements.
      12. Abstraction is used by making the bees animated and clearly not real, and in enlarging the flowers behind her to a seemingly impossible scale. This serves to remove the audience from the issue enough to not truly break their hearts, but enough to encourage their action.
      13. There is ambiguity in that it is not stated why the bees are disappearing, and thereby how planting 1,000 wildflowers will help save them.


  2. Planned Parenthood PSA about STD Testing:


    • 1. The PSA is presenting the argument of getting tested for an STD, the importance, and the ease to which it can be done, as well as the importance of early detection.

      2. Plannedparenthood.org. The goal of the campaign is to inform individuals of the importance of being tested, the ease at which it can be done, as well as addressing some of the physiological questions that are enlists fear into individuals ( ex. asking your partner to get tested with you means you lack trust in the individual).

      3.Audience are individuals both male and female who are sexually active( whether it be oral, vaginal, or anal)

      4.One that lets the audience realize the importance of being tested and act on it.

      5.The spread of STD’s which can results in serious damages over time.

      6.Not sure how this is used, apart from the tone of voice gives off the importance of being tested.

      7. Logos is used by stating facts associated with getting tested, the process, the possibility of spreading the STD’s,cure, and the treatments available for those that are non-curable.

      8.The fact that it is created by planned parenthood presents ethos all to itself.

      9.The sound is type of comical in a way, it enhances the video and goes along well with the drawings/ animated figures in the video.

      10. Realism is used on a high degree I believe, why? because the topic is one that is important and a serious concern for sexually active individuals. It presents a real problem being faced in a realistic but non threatening way.

      11. The drawings, because they compliment the information given.

      12.Not entirely sure, but i believe the drawings create a sense of abstraction.Not having actually humans pictures present creates this level of abstraction.

      13. I don’t think ambiguity is present in the PSA, but then again i’m not entirely sure.


    • 1. This PSA is saying that getting tested for STD’s should be done regularly since it is a regular part of maintaining your health.

      2. Planned Parenthood created this. I do not know if they receive any monetary benefit when you get tested at their locations, but more than likely they are just looking out for public health.

      3. The audience is anyone who is sexually active.

      4. They want for the audience to be more receptive of STD testing. They want the viewer to feel like STD testing is a normal and intelligent thing to do.

      5. People who have STDs and do not know it could spread those STDs to other people, unless they get tested.

      6. Pathos is used when they say that if you want to look out for your sexual partner, you will get STD testing. I think the creators are trying to invoke a feeling of guilt. I don’t think it is very effective to a person who truly believes they do not have an STD.

      7. The PSA mentions how you could have an STD and not even know it. They mention how some can be easily cured and treated. They just make it seem like STD testing is the responsible and easy thing to do.

      8. Ethos is used by mentioning doctors and also the fact that the PSA comes from a large entity such as Planned Parenthood gives the PSA credibility. Planned Parenthood is known for its knowledge and professionalism when it comes to these sort of things.

      9. The best way I can describe the sound in this PSA is normal. A normal sounding women is talking with light sounding elevator music in the background. There are no big noises or anything meant to sound different, it’s all just very normal.

      10. I would say realism is used well. The PSA is set up like a moving infographic, so the visuals are not very realistic. The information used is realistic, although they may be embellishing the whole “you can have an STD with no symptoms” stance. While I am sure that’s true, I feel like it is not nearly as common as they make it out to be.

      11. The PSA pushes that testing is very easy and often painless. They make a strong argument that you are protecting the people you care about by getting STD testing. Planned Parenthood almost makes STD testing seem like a civic duty.

      12. This PSA seems to focus on the worst case scenario and I think that is where the abstraction comes from. They make it seem like you can be a walking STD without showing symptoms and then you will give then STD to all of your partners unless you get tested. And while this may be partially true, I do not think it is true to the extent they are saying.

      13. The PSA makes the whole STD situation seem very relaxed. And while I agree there should not be a taboo surrounding STD testing, this ad makes it seem like a nonissue. It is almost too lighthearted to the point where the PSA does not really point out the true dangers of STDs.


  3. Tisha Claudia Lim

    My PSA video: Dramatic Texting and Driving PSA—https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7ljxDjwDjU&nohtml5=False

    My response to Molly’s PSA video: Molly’s PSA video is telling the audience (arguing) that getting tested is the surefire way to know whether or not a person has STD or not and that it is important to do so. Because STD (which starts with STI–sexually transmitted infection) has no symptom or sign, it can be easily overlooked. Since the tone of video is educational and informational, I would say the audience is the general public. However the video definitely gears toward parents or couples who are in sexual relationships (noticed that the video is produced by Planned Parenthood). I would say the desired audience’s reactions is to be informed and assured, since one of the goals of the video is to let the audience know that the earlier you find out if you have STD the better; that way, you can still get treatment early. Conversely, if the message is not heeded, it might be too late for treatment if you do find out later. I like the use of abstract figures as opposed to real imageries–this gives me a better understanding of the statistics mentioned in the video. I would like to highlight that the creator of the video definitely helps with the ethos–Planned Parenthood is an informed health provider which constantly seeks ways to improve women’s health.


  4. This is a PSA about saying “No More” to blaming rape and domestic violence victims.


    • 1. This PSA is presenting the argument that there is no excuse to blame the victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse.

      2. This PSA was created by the No More Campaign, which consists of a committee including Avon, Break the Cycle, and others.

      3. The audience is the general public – or more specifically, those that have not experienced domestic violence or sexual abuse, but fail to recognize the issue of victim-blaming.

      4. The desired audience reaction is an increasing outrage. The audience should feel angry (or guilty) of the phrases that are presented.

      5. The PSA suggests that stopping victim-blaming and making excuses for the perpetrators will eventually contribute to ending domestic violence and sexual assault.

      6. Pathos is used in the cast members’ expressions against a white background, emphasizing the emotion behind their spoken lines.

      7. Logos is used by repeatedly following the phrase of “no more” with common dialogue heard after hearing of an ordeal of domestic violence and rape. By presenting all these different examples, the argument is presented in a logical manner.

      8. Ethos is used by the casting of well-known figures, including the actress Mariska Hargitay, who plays a detective on Law and Order: SVU who focuses on cases of sexual assault. Figures such as Hargitay capture the attention and appear credible to the audience, simply due to recognition.

      9. Sound is employed through the spoken word, which is the main focus. There is no background music or sounds to distract from the dialogue presented, and the silence at the end reinforces the solemnity of the message.

      10. Realism is used in that the dialogue presented by the cast is very common. The dialogue is not exaggerated, but presently starkly and similarly to how the everyday person would speak. This is effective because it reinforced the credibility of the message. Over-exaggerating the words would only serve to make the message appear humorous.

      11. The detail that stands out in the PSA is the repetition of the phrase “No more…”. It reinforces the idea that the dialogue said is reoccurring, but also incorrect morally and logically.

      12. Abstraction is used in this PSA through the presentation of dialogue without an explanation of the situation it addresses beforehand. By launching straight into the dialogue, it captures the interest of the audience, who wants to know what the dialogue is addressing. However, each dialogue builds towards the explanation of the situation, and the audience quickly catches on that the dialogue is addressing domestic violence and rape.

      13. Ambiguity is used in this PSA through the lack of solution at the end. The PSA presents this issue of the dialogue, but it is unclear as to how to stop victim blaming. At the end, an ambiguous statement of “Together, we can stop domestic violence and sexual assault” is made. Because of this, the audience must conclude that they are responsible for their own actions and beliefs that perpetuate victim-blaming. In this way, this PSA is emphasizing the importance of the bystander is perpetuating domestic violence and sexual assault.


  5. Based on Tisha’s Dramatic Texting and Driving PSA

    1. The PSA is arguing that people should not text and drive.
    2. It was created by a news organization WJBF to make people realize the consequences of texting and driving.
    3. The audience are teens and young adults who are usually more likely to text and drive.
    4. The reaction from the PSA is a feeling of being scared.
    5. If the message is not heeded, the outcome is getting in an accident and hurting or killing people.
    6. Pathos is used when the mom gets out and begs the young girl to put her phone down because her kids are in the car with her. I think they want to evoke a sad and scared feeling and they do a good job.
    7. The fact that is presented is that it only takes a quick text to cause an accident.
    8. I feel like the ethos comes from the mom because she is older and knows better than the young girl.
    9. Sound is employed with the car because we can hear the crash. It supports the argument and visuals because people can picture the crash even if the visual wasn’t there.
    10. Realism is used because they use real people instead of dummies. It makes the PSA more relatable.
    11. What stands out is the girl saying she has to finish the text which basically means that it is more important than the other peoples’ lives.
    12.There is not much abstraction, they made the PSA very straight forward.
    13. There is ambiguity in why the text is more important than safety.


  6. My analysis is in response to Melia’s “No More” PSA

    1. The argument is against the committing and not speaking out against sexual abuse and domestic violence.

    2. Created the Joyful Heart Foundation

    3. The audience is the general public and specifically anyone who has been witness to or heard of a case that either victim-blamed or altogether ignored the issue.

    4. I think the desired reaction is one of guilt or somberness from the audience that results in obedience.

    5. It doesn’t specify an outcome, but it is implied that by not taking action outsiders are preventing the problem from reaching a conclusion because they are not giving consequence to those who abuse.

    6. There are subtle nuisances in the actor’s performance of their lines. Amy Poehler, for example, who is known for being a comedienne and therefore lively is extremely serious in this PSA and in addition, the cast from Law and Order: SVU take on very much the same persona as their characters – stern, unwavering, direct. I think getting the cast was a smart move as people have developed a kind of cult-following for these cop characters and they tend to respect them and their choices on the show so having the actors echo those sentiments in real like brings weight to the situation off screen.

    7. Logos is the least utilized however the repetition of common phrases that are associated with these kinds of events helps to provide examples of inappropriate responses to abuse.

    8. As mentioned above the SVU cast made appearances and as the show mainly deals with sexual assault cases having the stars relay their characters and their personas for this PSA captures the audience’s attention. They also made use of comedians who are known for being jokesters however in this light there were no punchlines and no witticisms. It was all around stoic and void of humor which makes the audience curious as to what can make these funnymen and women stop being funny (brings a new meaning to ‘stand up.’)

    9. There is no external sound – there is very little noise and I think that is meant to mirror the silence both on the victim’s part in not speaking out and on the general public’s part in failing to voice their concerns. It was affective to keep it minimal and as a result forces you to tune in.

    10. Realism is used in that the people projected on the screen are iconic real life celebrities and therefore bring to the table an obvious credibility as ‘role models’ or people we are meant to listen to.

    11. The biggest detail that I took from this was the cooperation with the SVU cast. I think it was such a smart move to get the real people behind the characters tell us the same thing. It also makes the jump from ‘this is just a show’ to ‘wait, this really happens. This isn’t entertaining anymore.”

    12. Minimal abstraction. If anything, the blankness of the background obscures any specificity in these cases.

    13. Ambiguity for me came in the personas of the SVU cast. I knew that these were obviously the actors, but recognizing them from the screen and protesting the same topic in their shows, it was kind of surreal to see Det. Stabler and Det. Benson speak to me (Hannah) and not to a character on their show. That division was really smoothly executed though and it wasn’t distracting or gimmicky. Instead it was the most powerful aspect.


  7. My PSA is the Its On US campaign against sexual assault: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNMZo31LziM

    My response regarding the “No More” PSA

    1.This PSA is striving to persuade people to not look the other way when they encounter signs of sexual assault.

    2. This was part of the “NO MORE” campaign, which is trying to prevent sexual assault on college campuses and throughout the country.

    3. The audience is everyone because anyone could be a witness to the signs of sexual assault.

    4. The goal of the PSA is to get the audience to not ignore the signs of assault and to help the victims instead of blaming them.

    5. The PSA implies that sexual assault will continue to occur and perpetrators will continue to get away with these things if the audience does not take the message to heart.

    6. This video uses pathos by the expressions on the speakers’ faces and the tones of their voices. By making both serious in tone they enforce the seriousness of the topic.

    7. There isn’t much logos used in this video, its more of a call to action. There are no statistics within the PSA.

    8. They capture ethos by using many recognizable faces from television and other forms of media including two of the stars from Law and Order SVU. This issue matches many of the spokespersons’ personas because anyone can be an activist for this issue, but the cast of Law and Order stands out more than the others to me at least.

    9.The video utilizes a low melancholy drone behind the voices of the spokes persons. I think this was a good idea because the sound doesn’t overcast the serious tone in each of the spokesmen’s voices.

    10. I think realism was a key feature in this PSA, not because they acted out a real scenario, but because the phrases that they were saying in the video are real peoples reactions to sexual assault cases and victims. This is effective because many people have probably heard one or two of those phrases in there life and thought nothing of it, but this video calls out each individual who has heard or said something of that nature and not helped the victim or supported them.

    11. I think the details that are really supposed to jump out at the audience are the people speaking on behalf of the cause. The help promote the argument by adding ethos catching the audiences attention so that they actually adsorb the message of the PSA.

    12. The abstraction is used by bringing all of these different voices together within one video. This emphasizes that this issue is not a one person effort but needs to have everyone’s backing in order to succeed.

    13. There is a bit of ambiguity at first because some people may not be sure what they are talking about but the PSA slowly leads the audience to the issue by making the sayings and phrases less and less ambiguous. They use this technique to allow the audience to approach the idea slowly and on their own instead of abruptly, which may be off-putting to some audience members.


  8. “Join Always in our epic battle to keep girls’ confidence high during puberty and beyond. Using #LikeAGirl as an insult is a hard knock against any adolescent girl. And since the rest of puberty’s really no picnic either, it’s easy to see what a huge impact it can have on a girl’s self-confidence. Making a start by showing them that doing things #LikeAGirl is an awesome thing!”


    • 1. What’s the argument this PSA is presenting?
      Young girls need to be empowered instead of being put down by the saying that they do something like a girl

      2. Who created it? What’s the goal of this campaign or purpose of this organization?

      The Always company and their goal is to empower young to be themselves and to not listen to people and society who say they do something like a girl

      3. Who is the audience?

      Women, young girls, young boys, parents

      4. What’s the desired audience reaction?

      The women and young girls were positively affected by the PSA’s message.

      5. What does the PSA suggest is a possible outcome if its message is not heeded?

      Girls need to be themselves.

      6. How is pathos used? What specific emotion do the creators want to evoke? To what degree is it effective?

      Pathos is used because the adults and older kids are asked to do things like a girl would and they do the cliche’d versions of those things and the younger girls do the tasks the normal regular way.The PSA evokes positive emotions in the interview subjects and it was very effective.

      7. How is logos used? What facts or statistics are presented to the audience?

      There were no facts or statistics used in this PSA that i know of, just opinion based rhetoric.

      8. How is ethos used? If a well-known spokesperson is used, does this message correspond with the rest of his/her public persona?

      Ethos is used because the Always company’s message in this PSA corresponds with the overall motto that all women are beautiful

      9. How is sound employed in this PSA? How does it support the argument and/or the visuals?

      The sound and visuals match with one another perfectly because the background music isn’t overpowering the people speaking in the PSA. It’s adds the right volume and feel to the piece as a whole

      10. To what degree is realism used? Why? Is it effective?

      Real people, both young and older are interviewed for this PSA to add multiple perspectives.

      11. What details stand out in this PSA? How do they help promote the argument?

      The perspectives of the young girls stand out in the PSA more because that audience is who the PSA is for.

      12. How is abstraction used in this PSA, and why?

      The use of real people in interviews instead of actors was more effective since that brought realness to the cause and people could identify with it more

      13. How is ambiguity used in this PSA, and why?

      The perspectives of adults and young girls add differences to the message


  9. My response is to Hannah’s honey bee PSA created by Burt’s Bees starring Lea Michele:

    1) The argument that the PSA is presenting is that the bees are disappearing and people need to bring attention to this issue.

    2) Burt’s Bees is an organization that sells products like lip balm and skin care products that are created using honey or other bee products.

    3) The audience for this PSA is meant to be the general public, but specifically younger audiences. I believe that is the intended audience because they are the ones who use twitter and they asked for Lea Michele to be in the PSA, someone that younger people can recognize.

    4) The desired reaction is for people to go to twitter and join the hashtag movement.

    5) If the PSA is not heeded, they believe the bees will completely disappear which would be incredibly detrimental to the environment and Earth’s ecosystem.

    6) Pathos is not a major player in this PSA, although the music and bright colors invoke thoughts of spring and happiness, trying to give saving the bees a happy connotation.

    7) Logos in this PSA is present when Lea Michele follows what she is asking others to do. She ignores the letter ‘b’ in her speech and explains how the hashtag should work. Although she never mentions what will happen without the bees, she explains how Burt’s Bees will help if you do use the hashtag.

    8) Ethos is very big in this PSA because it is funded by a large, well-known organization as well as being presented with a celebrity endorsement.

    9) The calm, sweet music enhances the pastel visuals because they invoke calm and happy thoughts toward bees. They also add a small buzz when the bees in the background disappear to bring attention to the fact that the bees are going away. They also had Lea Michele remove the ‘b’ from the spoken parts of the PSA to emphasize the #BringBackTheBees.

    10) The PSA uses realism because they have a real actress standing there and delivering the speech in the PSA. Having someone recognizable stand there and address the problem makes it very believable and people become invested in the issue.

    11) The bees disappearing from the background stand out because there is a sound effect every time one of them does. It reminds people of the problem that this PSA and hashtag are trying to bring attention to.

    12) Abstraction is used in the background and the words on the PSA. The words are just floating around and Lea Michele gestures to them even though they aren’t actually there. The background flowers are large and obviously fake, but they create the illusion of springtime.

    13) The PSA is not very ambiguous, it gives clear directions on how to use the hashtag and directly address the problem.


  10. allterrainhiker

    Here is the link to a PSA by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy starring Robert Redford on the importance of sustainably hiking the Appalachian Trail:


  11. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj80PHsqrwk

    What ‘s the argument this PSA is presenting?
    Gender-neutral bathrooms should be included in all facilities.
    Who created it? What’s the goal of this campaign or purpose of this organization?
    A high school student created this PSA. The goal is to spread awareness and gather support for gender neutral bathrooms.
    Who is the audience?
    People who are affected by this issue and people who do not know about this issue are the audience for this PSA.
    What’s the desired audience reaction?
    Sympathy and support is the desired audience reaction.
    What does the PSA suggest is a possible outcome if the message is not heeded?
    The PSA does not suggest an alternative outcome.
    How is the pathos used? What specific emotion do the creators want to evoke? To what degree is it effective?
    Pathos is used throughout the PSA. The director evokes sympathy for a struggling person and it is moderately effective.
    How is logos used? What facts or statistics are presented to the audience?
    The PSA lacks facts or statistics, so it does not use logos.
    How is ethos used? If a well-known spokesperson is used, does this this message correspond with the rest of his/her public persona?
    The PSA is not advanced and does not employ any spokesperson. Since it seems to be made by someone who faces this issue, it hold pathos more than ethos.
    How’s sound employed in this PSA? How does it support the argument and/or the visuals?
    Unfortunately the sound was removed due to copyright issues.
    To what degree is the realism used? Why? Is it effective?
    There was little realism used. The PSA was basically a cartoon of a person. It is effective because you cannot identify the persons sex, gender, or identity.
    What details stand out in this PSA? How do they help promote the argument?
    The colors and argument used are very neutral, like little effort should have to be deployed to convince you of the argument at hand.
    How is abstraction used in this PSA, and why?
    Abstraction wasn’t used in this PSA.
    How is ambiguity used in this PSA, and why?
    The gender identity is unknown for the person struggling to decide which bathroom to use. This makes the person relatable to all audiences because they lack a full identity.


  12. PSA: Nature is Speaking


  13. Link to the PSA entitled “Immigration Reform” by The National Council of La Raza. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0hQrgFk4Vs


  14. PSA: Protecting Appalachian Trail Conservancy

    What ‘s the argument this PSA is presenting?

    He is arguing for the protection/conservation of the Appalachian Trail

    Who created it? What’s the goal of this campaign or purpose of this organization?

    The Appalachian Trail Conservancy group published the video. They’re goal is to preserve the Appalachian trail and promote the movie “A walk in the woods”.

    Who is the audience?
    The audience is the general public who enjoy hiking and those that frequent the Appalachian trail ~ 2million people annually.

    What’s the desired audience reaction?

    He wants the audience to commit to preserving the trail and to maintaining it and making sure they don’t damage it whilst on hikes.

    What does the PSA suggest is a possible outcome if the message is not heeded?

    They suggest that if we preserve it the trail can be enjoyed by many future generations.

    How is the pathos used? What specific emotion do the creators want to evoke? To what degree is it effective?

    They show beautiful sceneries and pictures of everyday people who hike the trail and are really happy. They evoke a sense of adventure and nature. We are meant to feel the joy that people do when they use the trail so that we can understand how precious it is. The pathos is highly effective.

    How is logos used? What facts or statistics are presented to the audience?

    It mentions that 2million people visit the trail annually and so it is the responsibility of those hikers to take care of it.

    How is ethos used? If a well-known spokesperson is used, does this this message correspond with the rest of his/her public persona?

    The PSA is made by Robert Redford an actor who plays a lead role in the film “A walk in the woods”, a story about the Appalachian trail. This PSA fits in well with his persona as he is a major proponent of conserving nature.

    How’s sound employed in this PSA? How does it support the argument and/or the visuals?

    The Sound promotes the idea of adventure and excitement. It supports the idea that hiking the trail is a precious and amazing experience. It complements the visuals of vast forests and hills and makes it seem as if you are running through it.

    To what degree is the realism used? Why? Is it effective?

    Realism is used throughout the PSA – they use pictures and videos of the trail. This is effective because the whole point of this PSA is to conserve and protect. As a result by showing how beautiful and exciting this trail is they effectively get their point across.

    What details stand out in this PSA? How do they help promote the argument?

    I especially enjoyed the visuals and sounds. They enticed me and drew me in. I definitely want to visit the trail and will do all I can to protect it.

    How is abstraction used in this PSA, and why?

    There was not much abstraction.

    How is ambiguity used in this PSA, and why?

    There is a clear goal that Redford wants you to achieve and so not much is ambiguous. There is the leave no trace policy that he mentions and that may be something that one would look up.


  15. In response to the Nature is Speaking PSA

    1. What ‘s the argument this PSA is presenting?
    The need to conserve nature for our own benefit rather than the benefit of nature.
    2. Who created it? What’s the goal of this campaign or purpose of this organization?
    Conservation International created the PSA as a way to spread awareness about nature conservation.
    3. Who is the audience?
    The audience is all people, since we all are affected by nature
    4. What’s the desired audience reaction?
    The desired reaction is to get people to realize rather than doing nature a favor by conserving and being eco-friendly, they are instead doing themselves a favor by allowing themselves to live on a healthy planet.
    5. What does the PSA suggest is a possible outcome if the message is not heeded?
    The earth will evolve to become uninhabitable by humans
    6. How is the pathos used? What specific emotion do the creators want to evoke? To what degree is it effective?
    Pathos is used in a sort of angry mother way. Julie Roberts uses a stern and slightly aggressive tone to get the audience to feel as though they should correct their behavior (playing off of the “Mother Nature” component). I think it was very affective in getting the audience to take a look at themselves and their own behaviors.
    7. How is logos used? What facts or statistics are presented to the audience?
    The PSA does not rely on statistics and rather strictly on emotion.
    8. How is ethos used? If a well-known spokesperson is used, does this this message correspond with the rest of his/her public persona?
    Julie Roberts is the voice of “Mother Nature” in the PSA. From a hypothetical standpoint, the videos has ethos because Mother Nature would have the absolute most knowledge and experience in the field of nature. From a realistic standpoint, I’m not entirely sure what Julie Roberts position in nature conservation is.
    9. How’s sound employed in this PSA? How does it support the argument and/or the visuals?
    The sounds is organic and ominous, to match the tone of Julie Roberts voice while also playing in to the natural elements of the video.
    10. To what degree is the realism used? Why? Is it effective?
    The entire video is various gorgeous clips of nature, so in that sense it is completely real.
    11. What details stand out in this PSA? How do they help promote the argument?
    The clips themselves standout and in contrast to the voice. As discussed, Julie Roberts voice is stern, when paired with the breathtaking images it creates this feeling that standout to the audience.
    12. How is abstraction used in this PSA, and why?
    Abstraction was used in making Mother Nature a voice (or entity) rather than an idea
    13. How is ambiguity used in this PSA, and why?
    The video is very straightforward, with little ambiguity.


  16. Who Are You? from WhoAreYouNZ


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